Source code for conduct.buildsteps.base

# *****************************************************************************
# conduct - CONvenient Construction Tool
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
# Module authors:
#   Alexander Lenz <>
# *****************************************************************************

import conduct
from conduct.loggers import LOGLEVELS, INVLOGLEVELS
from conduct.param import Parameter, oneof, Referencer

[docs]class BuildStepMeta(type): ''' Meta class for merging parameters and outparameters within the inheritance tree. ''' def __new__(mcls, name, bases, attrs): mcls._storeClsToParams(name, attrs) mcls._mergeDictAttr('parameters', bases, attrs) mcls._mergeDictAttr('outparameters', bases, attrs) mcls._createProperties(attrs['parameters'], attrs) mcls._createProperties(attrs['outparameters'], attrs) cls = type.__new__(mcls, name, bases, attrs) return cls @classmethod def _storeClsToParams(mcls, name, attrs): for param in attrs['parameters'].values(): param.classname = '%s.%s' % (attrs['__module__'], name) @classmethod def _mergeDictAttr(mcls, name, bases, attrs): attr = {} for base in bases: if hasattr(base, name): attr.update(getattr(base, name)) attr.update(attrs.get(name, {})) attrs[name] = attr @classmethod def _createProperties(mcls, paramDict, attrs): for name, definition in paramDict.items(): mcls._createProperty(name, definition, attrs) @classmethod def _createProperty(mcls, paramName, paramDef, attrs): capitalParamName = paramName.capitalize() # set default value for parameter #if paramDef.default is not None: # attrs['_params'][paramName] = paramDef.default # create parameter read function def readFunc(self): if hasattr(self, 'doRead%s' % capitalParamName): return getattr(self, 'doRead%s' % capitalParamName)() value = self._params.get(paramName, paramDef.default) # resolve references if isinstance(value, Referencer): # resolve and validate value = paramDef.type(value.evaluate(self.chain)) return value readFunc.__name__ = '_readParam%s' % capitalParamName # create parameter write function def writeFunc(self, value): try: validValue = paramDef.type(value) if hasattr(self, 'doWrite%s' % capitalParamName): getattr(self, 'doWrite%s' % capitalParamName)(validValue) else: # special handling for references if not isinstance(value, Referencer): value = paramDef.type(value) self._params[paramName] = value except ValueError as e: raise ValueError('Cannot set %s: %s' % (paramName, e)) writeFunc.__name__ = '_writeParam%s' % capitalParamName # create parameter property attrs[paramName] = property(readFunc, writeFunc)
[docs]class BuildStep(object): __metaclass__ = BuildStepMeta parameters = { 'description' : Parameter(type=str, description='Build step description', default='Undescribed'), 'loglevel' : Parameter(type=oneof(LOGLEVELS.keys()), description='Log level', default='info'), 'retries' : Parameter(type=int, description='Number of retries to execute the ' 'build step', default=0), 'condition' : Parameter(type=str, description='Precondition for this build ' 'step. Step will be skipped if not fulfilled', default=''), } outparameters = { } def __init__(self, name, paramValues, chain=None): = name self.chain = chain # Maintain a reference to the chain (for refs) self.wasRun = False self._params = {} self._initLogger() self._applyParams(paramValues) def build(self): ''' Build the build step. This method is a wrapper around run() that does some logging and exception handling. ''' # log some bs stuff'=' * 80)'Build: %s' %'-' * 80) if not self._isConditionFulfilled():'Precondition not fulfilled; Skip') return success = False for i in range(0, self.retries +1): try: # execute actual build actions self.wasRun = True success = True break except Exception as exc: self.log.exception(exc) # handle retries if self.retries > i: self.log.warn('Failed; Retry %s/%s' % (i+1, self.retries)) # log some bs stuff'')'%s' % 'SUCCESS' if success else 'FAILED')'') if not success: raise RuntimeError('Build step failed') def cleanupBuild(self): ''' Cleanup all the build step's leftovers. his method is a wrapper around cleanup() that does some logging and exception handling. ''' if not self.wasRun:'Cleanup: Step was not run; Skip') return if self.cleanup.im_func == BuildStep.cleanup.im_func:'Cleanup: No custom cleanup; Skip') return'=' * 80)'Cleanup: %s' %'-' * 80) resultStr = 'SUCCESS' try: self.cleanup() self.wasRun = False except Exception as exc: resultStr = 'FAILED' self.log.exception(exc) raise finally:'')'%s' % resultStr)'') def cleanup(self): ''' This function shall be overwritten by the specific build steps and should do everything that's necessary for cleaning up after the build. ''' pass def run(self): ''' This function shall be overwritten by the specific build steps and should do everything that's necessary build this step. ''' raise NotImplemented('Buildstep not implemented (may be abstract)') def doWriteLoglevel(self, value): self.log.setLevel(LOGLEVELS[value]) def doReadLoglevel(self): level = self.log.getEffectiveLevel() return INVLOGLEVELS[level] def _initLogger(self): if self.chain is not None: self.log = self.chain.log.getChild( else: self.log = self.log.setLevel(LOGLEVELS[self.loglevel]) def _applyParams(self, paramValues): for name, paramDef in self.parameters.items(): if name in paramValues: setattr(self, name, paramValues[name]) elif paramDef.default is None: raise RuntimeError('%s: Mandatory parameter %s is missing' % (, name)) def _isConditionFulfilled(self): if not self.condition: return True return eval(self.condition)