Source code for conduct.buildsteps.deb

# *****************************************************************************
# conduct - CONvenient Construction Tool
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
# Module authors:
#   Alexander Lenz <>
# *****************************************************************************

import shutil
import time
import hashlib

import os
from os import path

import conduct

from conduct.buildsteps.base import BuildStep
from conduct.util import systemCall, chrootedSystemCall
from conduct.param import Parameter, oneof, listof

[docs]class Debootstrap(BuildStep): ''' This build step bootstraps a basic debian system to the given directory. ''' parameters = { 'distribution' : Parameter(type=str, description='Desired distribution'), # TODO: map archs? => system analyzer? 'arch' : Parameter(type=str, description='Desired architecture'), 'destdir' : Parameter(type=str, description='Destination directory'), 'includes' : Parameter(type=listof(str), description='Packages to include', default=[]), } def run(self): cmd = 'debootstrap --verbose --arch=%s ' % self.arch if self.includes: cmd += '--include %s ' % ','.join(self.includes) if self._isForeignArch(): # separate first and second stage cmd += '--foreign ' cmd += '%s %s' % (self.distribution, self.destdir)'Bootstrapping ...') systemCall(cmd, log=self.log) if self._isForeignArch(): self._strapSecondStage() def _isForeignArch(self): return self.arch !=['arch'] def _strapSecondStage(self):'Boostrap second stage ...') qemuStatic = '/usr/bin/qemu-%s-static' % self.arch chrootQemuStaticPlace = path.join(self.destdir, 'usr', 'bin') self.log.debug('Copy qemu static to chroot ...') shutil.copy(qemuStatic, chrootQemuStaticPlace) chrootedSystemCall(self.destdir, 'debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage', mountPseudoFs=False, log=self.log)
[docs]class InstallDebPkg(BuildStep): parameters = { 'pkg' : Parameter(type=str, description='Package to install'), 'chrootdir' : Parameter(type=str, description='Chroot directory (if desired)', default=''), 'depsonly' : Parameter(type=bool, description='Install dependencies only', default=False), } def run(self): self._syscall = lambda cmd: (chrootedSystemCall(self.chrootdir, cmd, log=self.log) \ if self.chrootdir else systemCall(cmd, log=self.log)) self._installCmd = 'env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive ' \ 'apt-get install --yes --force-yes ' \ '--no-install-recommends ' \ '-o Dpkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" ' \ '-o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" ' \ '%s' if self.depsonly: deps = self._determineDependencies() for pkg in deps: self._syscall(self._installCmd % pkg) else: # install actual pkg self._syscall(self._installCmd % self.pkg) def _determineDependencies(self): try: out = self._syscall('apt-cache show %s | grep Depends:' % self.pkg) except RuntimeError as e: self.log.exception(e) self.log.warn('Therefore: Assume that there are no dependencies!') return [] # no deps out = out[9:] # strip 'Depends: ' depStrs = [entry.strip() for entry in out.split(',')] return [entry.split(' ')[0] for entry in depStrs]
[docs]class Pdebuild(BuildStep): ''' Build debian package via pdebuild. ''' parameters = { 'sourcedir' : Parameter(type=str, description='Source directory'), 'config' : Parameter(type=str, description='Pbuilder config file ' '(pbuilderrc)', default='/etc/pbuilderrc'), } def run(self): cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(self.sourcedir) cmd = 'pdebuild --configfile %s' % self.config systemCall(cmd, log=self.log) finally: os.chdir(cwd)
[docs]class PBuilderExecCmds(BuildStep): ''' Execute commands inside a pbuilder jail. ''' parameters = { 'cmds' : Parameter(type=listof(str), description='List of commands to execute'), 'save' : Parameter(type=bool, description='Save jail after execution', default=False), 'config' : Parameter(type=str, description='Pbuilder config file ' '(pbuilderrc)', default='/etc/pbuilderrc'), } def __init__(self, name, paramValues, chain=None): BuildStep.__init__(self, name, paramValues, chain) self._scriptfile = None def run(self): # create tmp script file name self._scriptfile = '/tmp/' \ % hashlib.md5(str(time.time)).hexdigest() # create script with commands script = '#!/bin/sh\n' self.cmds.append('exit') # exit the jail at the end for cmd in self.cmds: script += '''echo '%s' \n''' % cmd self.log.debug('Generated script:\n%s' % script) with open(self._scriptfile, 'w') as f: f.write(script) # pipe commands to pbuilder cmd = 'sh %s | pbuilder --login ' % self._scriptfile if cmd += '--save-after-login ' cmd += '--configfile %s' % self.config systemCall(cmd, log=self.log) def cleanup(self): if self._scriptfile and path.exists(self._scriptfile): os.remove(self._scriptfile)