Source code for conduct.param

# *****************************************************************************
# conduct - CONvenient Construction Tool
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
# Module authors:
#   Alexander Lenz <>
#   Georg Brandl <>
# *****************************************************************************

import re

from os import path
from collections import Iterable

import conduct
from conduct.util.container import OrderedAttrDict

[docs]class Parameter(object): ''' Some kind of parameter. No default means mandatory. ''' def __init__(self, type=str, description='Undescribed', default=None): self.type = type self.description = description self.default = default self.classname = None if default is not None: self.validate(default)
[docs] def validate(self, value): self.type(value)
[docs]class Referencer(object): def __init__(self, fmt): self.fmt = fmt
[docs] def evaluate(self, chain, valType=str): result = self.fmt.format(chain=Dataholder(chain.params), steps=Dataholder(chain.steps),, cfg=OrderedAttrDict(, sysinfo=OrderedAttrDict(, buildinfo=OrderedAttrDict(, ) return valType(result)
[docs]class Dataholder(object): def __init__(self, modelDict): self._modelDict = modelDict def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self._modelDict: return self._modelDict[name] # validators for parameter's type
[docs]def convdoc(conv): if isinstance(conv, type): return conv.__name__ return conv.__doc__ or ''
[docs]class listof(object): def __init__(self, conv): self.__doc__ = 'a list of %s' % convdoc(conv) self.conv = conv def __call__(self, val=None): val = val if val is not None else [] if not isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError('value needs to be a list') return list(map(self.conv, val))
[docs]class nonemptylistof(object): def __init__(self, conv): self.__doc__ = 'a non-empty list of %s' % convdoc(conv) self.conv = conv def __call__(self, val=None): if val is None: return [self.conv()] if not isinstance(val, (list, tuple)) or len(val) < 1: raise ValueError('value needs to be a nonempty list') return list(map(self.conv, val))
[docs]def nonemptystring(s): """a non-empty string""" if not isinstance(s, str) or s == '': raise ValueError('must be a non-empty string!') return s
[docs]class tupleof(object): def __init__(self, *types): if not types: raise ValueError('tupleof() needs some types as arguments') self.__doc__ = 'a tuple of (' + ', '.join(map(convdoc, types)) + ')' self.types = [typeconv for typeconv in types] def __call__(self, val=None): if val is None: return tuple(type() for type in self.types) if not isinstance(val, (list, tuple)) or not len(self.types) == len(val): raise ValueError('value needs to be a %d-tuple' % len(self.types)) return tuple(t(v) for (t, v) in zip(self.types, val))
[docs]def limits(val=None): """a tuple of lower and upper limit""" val = val if val is not None else (0, 0) if not isinstance(val, (list, tuple)) or len(val) != 2: raise ValueError('value must be a list or tuple and have 2 elements') ll = float(val[0]) ul = float(val[1]) if not ll <= ul: raise ValueError('upper limit must be greater than lower limit') return (ll, ul)
[docs]class dictof(object): def __init__(self, keyconv, valconv): self.__doc__ = 'a dict of %s keys and %s values' % \ (convdoc(keyconv), convdoc(valconv)) self.keyconv = keyconv self.valconv = valconv def __call__(self, val=None): val = val if val is not None else {} if not isinstance(val, dict): raise ValueError('value needs to be a dict') ret = {} for k, v in val.items(): ret[self.keyconv(k)] = self.valconv(v) return ret
[docs]class intrange(object): def __init__(self, fr, to): fr = int(fr) to = int(to) if not fr <= to: raise ValueError('intrange must fulfill from <= to, given was ' '[%f, %f]' % (fr, to)) self.__doc__ = 'an integer in the range [%d, %d]' % (fr, to) = fr = to def __call__(self, val=None): if val is None: return val = int(val) if not <= val <= raise ValueError('value needs to fulfill %d <= x <= %d' % (, return val
[docs]class floatrange(object): def __init__(self, fr, to=None): fr = float(fr) if to is not None: to = float(to) if not fr <= to: raise ValueError('floatrange must fulfill from <= to, given was ' '[%f, %f]' % (fr, to)) self.__doc__ = 'a float in the range [%f, %f]' % (fr, to) else: self.__doc__ = 'a float >= %f' % fr = fr = to def __call__(self, val=None): if val is None: return val = float(val) if is not None: if not <= val <= raise ValueError('value needs to fulfill %d <= x <= %d' % (, else: if not <= val: raise ValueError('value needs to fulfill %d <= x' % return val
[docs]class oneof(object): def __init__(self, *vals): self.__doc__ = 'one of ' + ', '.join(map(repr, vals)) if len(vals) == 1 and isinstance(vals[0], Iterable): self.vals = vals[0] else: self.vals = vals def __call__(self, val=None): if val is None: return self.vals[0] if val not in self.vals: raise ValueError('invalid value: %r, must be one of %s' % (val, ', '.join(map(repr, self.vals)))) return val
[docs]class oneofdict(object): def __init__(self, vals): self.__doc__ = 'one of ' + ', '.join(map(repr, vals.values())) self.vals = vals def __call__(self, val=None): if val in self.vals: val = self.vals[val] elif val not in self.vals.values(): raise ValueError('invalid value: %s, must be one of %s' % (val, ', '.join(map(repr, self.vals.values())))) return val
[docs]class none_or(object): def __init__(self, conv): self.__doc__ = 'None or %s' % convdoc(conv) self.conv = conv def __call__(self, val=None): if val is None: return None return self.conv(val) # see # for source
mailaddress_re = re.compile( r"(^[-!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{}|~0-9A-Z]+(\.[-!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{}|~0-9A-Z]+)*" # dot-atom r'|^"([\001-\010\013\014\016-\037!#-\[\]-\177]|\\[\001-011\013\014\016-\177])*"' # quoted-string r')@(?:[A-Z0-9](?:[A-Z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Z0-9])?\.)+([A-Z]{2,99}|XN[A-Z0-9-]+)\.?$', # domain re.IGNORECASE)
[docs]def mailaddress(val=None): """a valid mail address""" if val in ('', None): return '' parts = val.split('@') parts[-1] = parts[-1].encode('idna').decode('ascii') val = '@'.join(parts) if '>' in val and not val.strip().endswith('>'): raise ValueError('%r is not a valid email address' % val) if not mailaddress_re.match(val.strip().partition('<')[-1].rpartition('>')[0] or val): raise ValueError('%r is not a valid email address' % val) return val
[docs]def absolute_path(val=''): """an absolute file path""" val = str(val) if path.isabs(val): return val raise ValueError('%r is not a valid absolute path (should start with %r)' % (val, path.sep))
[docs]def relative_path(val=''): """a relative path, may not use ../../.. tricks""" val = path.normpath(str(val)) if path.isabs(val): raise ValueError('%r is not a valid relative path (should NOT start ' 'with %r)' % (val, path.sep)) if val[:2] != '..': return val raise ValueError('%r is not a valid relative path (traverses outside)' % val)
[docs]def expanded_path(val=''): return path.expanduser(path.expandvars(val))
[docs]def subdir(val=''): """a relative subdir (a string NOT containing any path.sep)""" val = str(val) for sep in [path.sep, '\\', '/']: if sep in val: raise ValueError('%r is not a valid subdirectory (contains a %r)' % (val, sep)) return val
[docs]def anytype(val=None): """any value""" return val
ipv4_re = re.compile( r'^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}' r'(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$' )
[docs]def ipv4(val=''): """a IP v4 address""" if val in ('', None): return '' val = str(val) res = ipv4_re.match(val) if not res or != res.string: raise ValueError('%r is not a valid IPv4 address' % val) return val
[docs]def host(val=''): """a host[:port] value""" if not isinstance(val, str): raise ValueError('must be a string!') if val.count(':') > 1: raise ValueError('%r is not in the form host_name[:port]') if ':' in val: _, p = val.split(':') try: p = int(p) if not 0 < p < 65536: raise ValueError() except ValueError: raise ValueError('%r does not contain a valid port number' % val) return
[docs]def callableobj(obj): if callable(obj): return obj raise ValueError('%r is not callable' % obj)
[docs]class referencer_or(object): def __init__(self, conv): self.__doc__ = 'Referencer or %s' % convdoc(conv) self.conv = conv def __call__(self, val=None): if isinstance(val, str): return Referencer(val) return self.conv(val)